Make sure you stay legal with a handy reminder service. Without tax or a valid MOT you might be uninsured!


This free service could save you a lot of hassle and a small fortune! Since tax discs were abolished more motorists than ever are forgetting to renew and getting into hot water.

It’s the same with MOT’s. You can get your MOT up to 30 Days before its due date without affecting the anniversary of the next one. This gives you plenty of time to book and keep it legal.

You can book your MOT online with MotorEasy and they will manage the whole process on your behalf, ensuring that only necessary work is undertaken.

Your own personal account area will also be there to remind you about your important dates, and not just about your car, you can manage the company fleet or the whole family’s cars from here.


GET A QUOTE for any MotorEasy service or product to enjoy this completely free service
